A foundation program is a study course designed to fill the gap between your current level of qualification and knowledge and the level needed to be admitted to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at an international university. Foundation degrees, also known as preparation courses or pathways programs, complement any knowledge or qualification that you might still be lacking after finishing high school. They help students coming from different education systems around the world (Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle-east, Russia, Africa, North or South America) to align their qualification to the education system of the country coming to and to become eligible for university admission.

Who can enroll in a foundation program?

Foundation programs target both local students and international students from all over the world, regardless of country of origin. Courses for foreign students (coming from a different country) also include English language learning courses.

Foundation programs can be generic, designed to prepare the student for starting a degree in a certain field, for example, foundation programs in business, in computer science or in humanities and arts. They can also be tailored for a specific type of degree course (specific disciplines).

Foundation programs don’t usually award students an academic degree upon completion but guarantee a certain level of qualification that allows them to follow a higher education degree such as a Bachelor’s or Master’s program.