An undergraduate degree is a bachelor’s or associate’s degree. Undergraduate degrees are offered at institutions of higher learning and fall below the level of a master’s degree. If you are looking to pursue an undergraduate degree, read on to find out more about the differences between associate’s and bachelor’s degrees and the type of educational requirements you can expect.

Undergraduate degrees are offered in a variety of subjects and can lead to a variety of careers depending on the major you choose. Typically, undergraduate degrees require several general education courses, advanced major courses and electives.

Undergraduate degree programs impart a high level of study and training in a chosen major, coupled with general education. The combination of major and general coursework can provide a broad base of knowledge that can apply to a number of professional fields. An undergraduate degree can potentially increase your salary, employment possibilities and career opportunities, in addition to developing a thorough and well-rounded postsecondary education.

Bachelors, BA, BSc, BBA degrees

There are three types of degrees that students of bachelor programs can be awarded, and this depends on their area of study:

  • >A Bachelor of Science degree is usually awarded after completion of coursework for majors such as mathematics, engineering, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, as well as law and business.
  • >A Bachelor of Arts degree is associated with liberal arts majors, such as literature, humanities, language, history, as well as with the social sciences, such as anthropology, sociology, economics, psychology and international relations, to name a few.

A Bachelor in Business Administration is associated with business majors, such as accountancy, finance, economics, banking, among many others.